KNN can be used for both classification and regression predictive poblems. Mostly it’s more used in classification problems.
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Building API
Create easy to use Spotify API
While I was working on the project, I couldn’t find desired Spotify API calls. At that time I was looking for the following:
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Climate Change Overview
Visualize climate change with the help of Plotly
You can see how climate changes over the years with the help of plotly interactive map. By pointing at any country and by sliding over the years you can see how the average temperature changes across the globe.
Deployed Heroku app can be found here
Link to GitHub here
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Feature Importance Visualization Using Heart Disease Dataset
Create Models To Predict A Heart Disease
I’ve explored feature importance visualization using the heart desease dataset which you can find here. My final project can be read on medium. Or if you are more interested in seing the source code, please visit my GitHub page. Also I’ve deployed the project here. Please be patient though, heroku...
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